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-Rhun ap Iorwerth MS

-Hefin David MS

-Lynne Kelly (Haemophilia Wales)

-Tom Jones

-Lucy O’Brien

-Marcus Lewis

-Sue Sparks

-Meinir Gooch

-Rose Richards

-Tony Lane

-Michael O’Connell

-Helen West (Julie Morgan MS)

-Rhian Davies

-Eleri Morgan

-Tony Summers

-Gill Purnell


-Darren Millar

-Mark Isherwood

-Michael Imperato


Rhun ap Iorwerth MS:

·         Opens the meeting.

·         Explains that Michael Imperato is running late and that he will join later on

·         Hands over to Lynne Kelly to provide an update.

*Issues with translation*

Lynne Kelly:

·         Begins by going through the fundamentals of Sir Brian Langstaff’s recommendations in his second interim report

·         Discusses the final report in the autumn and what must be done before then- primarily to continue to explore different avenues to put pressure on UK Government to accept the recommendations

·         Discusses Sir Robert Francis’ report that was released in March 2022 and how UK Government never took any action in relation to that report

·         Discussion of Paymaster General Jeremy Quinn MP’s statement on 19.4.23 in which he mentioned Government was working ‘at pace.’

·         Encouragement given for everyone to continue to contact their local members of Parliament

·         Frustration shared at how Sue Gray-the leading civil servant in this area has recently left her post and how this may lead to further delays.  Also a discussion on how the All Party Group Meetings (APGM) need to begin to take greater action.

·         Shares that she recently met with David TC Davies MP in his capacity as a local member, not as the Secretary of State for Wales.

·         The recent AGM of the APGM included an agreement with the recommendations in Sir Brian Langstaff’s report and that it was UK Government’s responsibility, due to event occurring before devolution.

·         Concerns raised at the legitimacy of Peter Bottomley as chair of the group due to the potential conflict of interest arising from his wife- Virginia Bottomley- being Minister for Health during the period of the incidents.

Rhun ap Iorwerth MS:

·         Agrees that there may very well be a conflict of interest in Peter Bottomley’s position as chair of the APGM

·         Suggests two action points:

·         Writing as a group to all MPs

·         Organising a joint meeting between the Cross-party Group in the Senedd and the APGM.

·         Open the floor for further comments

Hefin David MS:

·         Emphasises the point of trying to establishing a few action points by the end of the discussion

Rhun ap Iorwerth MS:

·         Suggests writing to Jeremy Hunt- *agreement from the group*

Sue Sparks:

·         Explains she was at the meeting and has further questions to the Paymaster General of what exactly is going on behind the scenes in Government to implement these recommendations.

·         Shares her frustration at not being able to get an answer from her MP.  *Frustrations shared by other members with the same problem*

Lynne Kelly:

·         Discusses the idea of a template e-mail, but says that past evidence proves they’re normally ignored

·         Shares that Andrew RT Davies MS has written to Jeremy Quinn about some of the main concerns, but has not received a response.

Hefin David MS 

·         re-introduces the idea of a joint meeting.

Lynne Kelly:

·         Shows support for the idea and discloses that they’ve been arranged in the past but have fallen through.

Hefin David MS:

·         Suggests meeting online may make availability easier

·         Agrees with the earlier point regarding Peter Bottomley’s conflict of interest

·         Suggests speaking to Jo Stevens MP and Jessica Morden MP to discuss a joint meeting, and that it should come from Rhun and himself



Sue Sparks:

·         Emphasises the need to hear from opposition parties

Hefin David MS:

·         Commits to writing to the shadow Minister regarding Labour’s position on the recommendations

Rhun ap Iorwerth MS:

·         Expresses potential problems of organising a joint meeting constitutionally, but that there was likely alternative solutions.

·         Enquires if everyone has had a meeting with their MP

Rose Richards:

·         Points out the inquiry has been very time consuming and draining, so only now they’ve found the energy to do so

Lynne Kelly:

·         Discloses she met with David Jones MP yesterday (begrudgingly) who has a good relationship with Jeremy Quinn

·         Invites anyone who feel they need additional support when meeting with their MP to contact her


·         Expresses frustration at not being able to get a response from Alex Davies-Jones MP

·         Explains this is an issue for many in the community

Lucy O’Brien:

·         Shares concern of a Financial Times article released recently stating that the money needed to pay compensation for the victims will mean cuts to public services, suggesting it was trying to sway public opinion

Lynne Kelly:

·         Emphasises the need to keep going, and expresses that they’ve come so far from the initial stages

Rhun ap Iorwerth MS:

·         Suggests doing press work on the issue and reiterates that they will achieve their aims.

Lynne Kelly:

·         Shares concern of lack of interaction between UK and Welsh Government

·         Also points out another potential conflict of interest between Chris Wormald KCB, due to his father’s involvement with the health sector during the time of the incident



Rhun ap Iorwerth MS:

·         Brings the meeting to a close by emphasising the key action points:

§  Writing to Jeremy Hunt as a group

§  Hefin David MS to write to the shadow Deputy Minister

§  Make contact with the chairs of the APG in Westminster to organise a joint meeting

§  Consider effective ways of conveying this story in the press


*Meeting ends*

Date of next meeting: N/A.